Friday, April 25, 2008

Anybody out there?

Again with the Myspace. It's irritating. Really. I cannot get onto my homepage, and I'm about to freak out on TOM.. (the site's originator or whatever..) ok. So, maybe I'm a little too obsessed with Myspace, and thats why my bedroom is not an oasis.. its more like a place to stash everything so that my downstairs looks like I actually DO something all day insead of sit on this damn computer... hehe. Don't tell MM, he thinks I work hard here at home. I take that back. Sometimes I do things. Hell, just the other day I re-organized the all the stuff I didnt know where to stash found a new home in the basement.. but, hey the kitchen looks lik we justed moved in!

So, my friends/neighbors/SM are doing a Biggest Loser competition. Yeah. And was SOOOO motivated at first, about two weeks ago. Not so much now. There are six of us, Me, my fiance, my neighbors/friends Mike and Jen, our neighbor Andrea and SM (aka my arch nemisis.. lol). I could care less who loses what as long as I lose more than Jessica (SM). oh yeah, people. I am that shallow I don't know what this fixation with her is. I don't want my EXH back, by any means. And, she is a realllllly nice person. She adores Monkey. She's been in his life since he was eight months old. This woman has done no wrong... but for whatever reason, I want to compete with her on every level. I want to be a better wife, a better mother, weigh less, eat less, excersize more.... its a real motivator though, when she's neck in neck with me!!!! She weighs only TWO pounds more. Yeah, we're that technical. We are going by percentage of weightloss. I am in second place, and **yeah** MM is in first!

I still cannot figure out if anyone can ACTUALLY read this, so if you can, leave a comment so I know, lol.... thats all I ask. haha

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